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Ideal for Small/Compact Tractors 20HP+. Suitable for any type of hedge. Cutting reach of 2.5 metres. Has its own hydraulic system, runs completely off the PTO. Right hand cut. Comes with a FREE finger bar. Comes fully assembled, full of oil. Price Includes PTO and linkage. 12 mont..
445,000.00 บาท
เครื่องตัดหญ้า ริม ทาง

เครื่องตัดหญ้า ริม ทาง

Ideal for Small/Compact Tractors 20HP+. Suitable for any type of hedge. Cutting reach of 2.5 metres. Has its own hydraulic system, runs completely off the PTO. Right hand cut. Comes with a FREE finger bar. Comes fully assembled, full of oil. Price Includes PTO and linkage. 12 mont..
0.00 บาท


Ideal for Small/Compact Tractors 20HP+. Suitable for any type of hedge. Cutting reach of 2.5 metres. Has its own hydraulic system, runs completely off the PTO. Right hand cut. Comes with a FREE finger bar. Comes fully assembled, full of oil. Price Includes PTO and linkage. 12 mont..
0.00 บาท
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