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JEMA JM-120 LR Hot and Cold Tape Strap Cutting Machine

JEMA JM-120 LR Hot and Cold Tape Strap Cutting Machine

Universal cutting machine for tape, Velcro, rubber, labels, etc. Cutting in hot knife (heat-sealing). Cuts straight or with an angle of 45 degrees. Specification: - regulation of cut length (20 - 9999 mm), feeding speed, amount of cut elements, pressure of feeding roller and the temperature (..
54,900.00 บาท
Based on 1 reviews.
JEMA JM-120HX (Angle Cutting Machine)

JEMA JM-120HX (Angle Cutting Machine)

Universal cutting machine for tape, Velcro, rubber, labels, etc. Cutting in hot knife (heat-sealing). Cuts straight or with an angle of 45 degrees. Specification: - regulation of cut length (20 - 9999 mm), feeding speed, amount of cut elements, pressure of feeding roller and the temperature (..
54,900.00 บาท
Based on 3 reviews.
Jema JM-120HX (hot cut) tape cutting machine

Jema JM-120HX (hot cut) tape cutting machine

Universal cutting machine for tape, Velcro, rubber, labels, etc. Cutting in hot knife (heat-sealing). Cuts straight or with an angle of 45 degrees. Specification: - regulation of cut length (20 - 9999 mm), feeding speed, amount of cut elements, pressure of feeding roller and the temperature (..
54,900.00 บาท
Based on 1 reviews.
Jema JM-120HX (hot cut) tape cutting machine

Jema JM-120HX (hot cut) tape cutting machine

Universal cutting machine for tape, Velcro, rubber, labels, etc. Cutting in hot knife (heat-sealing). Cuts straight or with an angle of 45 degrees. Specification: - regulation of cut length (20 - 9999 mm), feeding speed, amount of cut elements, pressure of feeding roller and the temperature (..
54,900.00 บาท
Based on 3 reviews.
JM-120HX Automatic tape cutting machine

JM-120HX Automatic tape cutting machine

Universal cutting machine for tape, Velcro, rubber, labels, etc. Cutting in hot knife (heat-sealing). Cuts straight or with an angle of 45 degrees. Specification: - regulation of cut length (20 - 9999 mm), feeding speed, amount of cut elements, pressure of feeding roller and the temperature (..
54,900.00 บาท
Based on 1 reviews.
JM-120HX Hot Knife Cutter Bevel Straight

JM-120HX Hot Knife Cutter Bevel Straight

Universal cutting machine for tape, Velcro, rubber, labels, etc. Cutting in hot knife (heat-sealing). Cuts straight or with an angle of 45 degrees. Specification: - regulation of cut length (20 - 9999 mm), feeding speed, amount of cut elements, pressure of feeding roller and the temperature (..
54,900.00 บาท
Based on 3 reviews.
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